YSRC MP V. Vijayasai Reddy’s resignation has become a hot topic in Andhra Pradesh politics. As announced by him on Friday, Vijayasai Reddy submitted his resignation to Rajya Sabha chairman Jagdeep Dhankar on Saturday. His sudden decision to quit politics has astonished his colleagues in the political circles. TD supremo and Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu, addressing a press conference, said Vijayasai Reddy’s resignation was YSRC’s internal affair. At the same time, he said that he never saw any political leader ruining systems to quench his personal vengeance. If people not eligible for politics enter the area, the situation will be very pathetic, he said, hinting indirectly at former CM Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy. On the other hand, the NDA coalition leaders also responded on the resignation issue. TD MLA Ganta Srinivasa Rao said that Vijayasai Reddy can never escape from legal course of action just by resigning from his MP post. The residents of Vizag can never forget the hardship they faced due to Vijayasai’s deeds. Ganta termed the YSRC a ‘sinking ship’. BJP leader Bhanuprakash Reddy said that several other YSRC leaders would also follow suit. The YSRC will empty in the next few months, Bhanuprakash Reddy said.
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