World Environmentalists-


Climate change can result in over 90 lakh deaths each year till end of century-

Express News Service

NEW DELHI: The two-week mid-year United Nations climate talks held in Germany’s Bonn ended on Thursday without a resolution to the dispute between developed and developing countries over finance.

The developed nations emphasised the urgent need for mitigation measures, while the developing countries demanded adequate financial support to reduce emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change.

Environmentalists and activists from different countries criticised the conference’s half-baked outcome, saying wealthier nations are not honouring the financial pledges to support developing countries in adaptation. Environmentalists accuse wealthier nations of their historical role in driving the climate crisis.

“The Bonn Climate Change Conference laid bare the glaring hypocrisy of wealthy nations, showcasing a remarkable indifference to the struggles of developing countries,” says Harjeet Singh, Head-Global Political Strategy, Climate Action Network International.

Experts say wealthier nations are more interested in providing private funds and loans, which will further burden developing countries.“Developing nations face the monumental task of eradicating poverty, fostering green development, and coping with climate disasters. They deserve unwavering support, not undue pressure,” said Singh.

Countries gathered in Bonn, Germany, from June 5-15 for the UN’s mid-year climate conference, also known as the Subsidiary Bodies meeting (SB58). The conference was led by two bodies — the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation, within the UNFCCC. The conference will lay the groundwork for the 28th UN Conference of Parties in December this year.

UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Simon Stiell also recognised the far-apart differences among developed and developing nations. He emphasised the need to build a bridge for common ground. The major difference between the parties is raising appropriate funding to compensate for loss and damage. COP26 established the Glasgow Dialogue between stakeholders to discuss the arrangements for the funding of activities to avert loss and damage from adverse impacts of climate change.

‘Cut emissions’

 Climate science says the world must halve emissions by 2030 to keep the chances of achieving the 1.5-degrees target alive.
 Developing countries argue that wealthier nations should take greater responsibility for emission reductions, given their historical emissions, and provide the necessary means of implementation, finance and technology to assist developing and vulnerable nations in transitioning to clean energy.
 Rich countries have already failed to fulfil their promise of providing USD 100 billion annually, pledged at the Copenhagen COP in 2009, to help developing countries combat climate change.

NEW DELHI: The two-week mid-year United Nations climate talks held in Germany’s Bonn ended on Thursday without a resolution to the dispute between developed and developing countries over finance.

The developed nations emphasised the urgent need for mitigation measures, while the developing countries demanded adequate financial support to reduce emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change.

Environmentalists and activists from different countries criticised the conference’s half-baked outcome, saying wealthier nations are not honouring the financial pledges to support developing countries in adaptation. Environmentalists accuse wealthier nations of their historical role in driving the climate crisis.googletag.cmd.push(function() {googletag.display(‘div-gpt-ad-8052921-2’); });

“The Bonn Climate Change Conference laid bare the glaring hypocrisy of wealthy nations, showcasing a remarkable indifference to the struggles of developing countries,” says Harjeet Singh, Head-Global Political Strategy, Climate Action Network International.

Experts say wealthier nations are more interested in providing private funds and loans, which will further burden developing countries.“Developing nations face the monumental task of eradicating poverty, fostering green development, and coping with climate disasters. They deserve unwavering support, not undue pressure,” said Singh.

Countries gathered in Bonn, Germany, from June 5-15 for the UN’s mid-year climate conference, also known as the Subsidiary Bodies meeting (SB58). The conference was led by two bodies — the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation, within the UNFCCC. The conference will lay the groundwork for the 28th UN Conference of Parties in December this year.

UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Simon Stiell also recognised the far-apart differences among developed and developing nations. He emphasised the need to build a bridge for common ground. The major difference between the parties is raising appropriate funding to compensate for loss and damage. COP26 established the Glasgow Dialogue between stakeholders to discuss the arrangements for the funding of activities to avert loss and damage from adverse impacts of climate change.

‘Cut emissions’

 Climate science says the world must halve emissions by 2030 to keep the chances of achieving the 1.5-degrees target alive.
 Developing countries argue that wealthier nations should take greater responsibility for emission reductions, given their historical emissions, and provide the necessary means of implementation, finance and technology to assist developing and vulnerable nations in transitioning to clean energy.
 Rich countries have already failed to fulfil their promise of providing USD 100 billion annually, pledged at the Copenhagen COP in 2009, to help developing countries combat climate change.

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