He was allowed by the scamsters to go to his home state’s capital Lucknow and arrange money by borrowing from friends-relatives and selling the land.The matter came to light on Monday, after Ahmad, who lives alone in Gwalior, informed his son residing in Uttar Pradesh about it.”His son asked him to report the matter to local police, after which the Gwalior Police Crime Branch registered a case in the matter,” Gwalior district police superintendent Dharamveer Singh said.He was allowed by the scamsters to go to his home state’s capital Lucknow and arrange money by borrowing from friends-relatives and selling the land.The matter came to light on Monday, after Ahmad, who lives alone in Gwalior, informed his son residing in Uttar Pradesh about it.”His son asked him to report the matter to local police, after which the Gwalior Police Crime Branch registered a case in the matter,” Gwalior district police superintendent Dharamveer Singh said.
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