When can wives beat up their husbands? Isn’t it time to ask ?


When can wives beat up their husbands? Isn't it time to ask ?

The other probable circumstances put forward by the survey under which a husband beats his wife were: if he suspects her of being unfaithful; if she argues with him; if she refuses to have sex with him; if she goes out without informing him; if she neglects the house or the children; if she fails to cook good food.The website of NFHS says the survey was funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) with supplementary support from United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).Women respondents in Himachal Pradesh, Kerala, Manipur, Gujarat, Nagaland, Goa, Bihar, Karnataka, Assam, Maharashtra, Telangana, Nagaland and West Bengal highlighted that ‘disrespect to in-laws’ as the primary justification for men beating their wives.The saving grace is Himachal Pradesh where only 14.8% women justified husbands beating their wives. The survey finding has caused both shock and outrage. Says Indu Rani, Director Projects at Prayas, “If violence by husbands and men was an acceptable part of life and society, why would every culture put women on a pedestal and give the mother a special place…”.“The Indian bias is reflected in our traditional dress for women, which don’t have pockets! Are women meant to be dependent all their lives on men,” she fumes. Although trouser and shirts are so much more convenient, she points out, several schools and colleges have banned women wearing jeans.”Ashish Awasthi, an IT expert with TCS says he is shocked that such regressive questions could even be framed by an agency of the Government of India.”It is like you are giving seven excuses for beating up married women. How can any violence be justified for any reason whatsoever,” he exclaimed.

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