Chennai: Chief Minister M K Stalin declaring that a major announcement would be made on Thursday at the Anna Centenary Library auditorium, where he would be launching a book ‘Irumbin Thonmai’ (The Antiquity of Iron) and laying the foundation for a couple of museums a 10.30 am had raised the curiosity of people who wanted to know what it could be. Tagging his message to the invitation to the event organized by the Archeology department to mark the book release, the foundation stone laying for the Keeladi Open museum and Cholapuram museum through video conference and the inauguration of the Keeladi website, Stalin said that those who could not make it to the function could watch it live online. While the invitation was uploaded on X channel by the Finance and Archeology Minister Thangam Thennarasu, inviting all for the event, it was the Chief Minister message that raised too many questions on what could be announced there, giving rise to speculations at the time when official announcements and politically significant statements were being made at such events. On Wednesday, at a university function in Karaikudi, Stalin asserted the right for the Chief Minister to be Chancellor of the State Universities that were set up and nurtured by the State Government, thus taking his enduring political fight with the Governor to a different level. Since too many political tussles were going on and opposition parties were making random charges against the government at the moment when a campaign for the by-election to the Erode East Assembly constituency was going on in full swing, people wanted to know what could be the announcement.
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