KOLKATA: West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, in her first visit to Sandeshkhali since the sexual harassment controversy broke, took a dig at the BJP on Monday, asking people not to fall for their lies or money.”Here, a lot of money has been used to buy people and later everything turned out to be lies,” said the Chief Minister, who was at Sandeshkhali in North 24 Pargana to chair a public distribution programme. “Don’t fall for the prey of naughty men. Don’t fall for BJP’s money. Bring down defamation, lies and misinformation, let peace prevail here,” said Banerjee in a reference to the controversy the BJP had fanned ahead of the Lok Sabha election. “Even if someone calls you, don’t go. It’s your right not to go. And the biggest devils are the Left who have killed people. Remember if something happens in Sandeshkhali I will hear about it in minutes. I work as a ‘paharadar’ (same as chowkidar) for the people. If you are fine, I will be fine,” Banerjee added today.
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