The view of the majority prevailed.”Opposition MPs on Monday proposed amendments in all 44 clauses of the Waqf (Amendment) Bill, seeking to mostly restore the provisions of the current Act,” the panel’s opposition members said in a joint statement and claimed that the law proposed by the committee in its report would maintain the Bill’s “draconian” character and the bid to interfere in the religious affairs of Muslims.Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla constituted the committee on August 9.”As the committee has arrived to its closure part of the deliberation, we, the members of the opposition, registered our protest then and there — both in the nature of conducting the proceedings by the chairman as well as the gross and serious deviations from the rules and procedures
We have already brought on such ignominous incidents to the speaker and the public,” the opposition members said in the statement.The committee’s opposition members who signed the joint statement are A Raja, Kalyan Banerjee, Gaurav Gogoi, Asaduddin Owaisi, Naseer Hussain, Mohibullah, Imran Masood, M M Abdulla, Mod Jawed, Arvind Sawant and Md Nadimul Haque.
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