VP Dhankhar nominates three BJP MPs to the Court of Jawaharlal Nehru University


VP Dhankhar nominates three BJP MPs to the Court of Jawaharlal Nehru University

During the last session of parliament, he had raised his voice to debar those who have more than two children from the benefits of government welfare schemes.The Court of the University meets annually to discuss and consider annual reports, annual accounts, audit reports and the budget of JNU.It has powers to review the acts of the Executive Council and the Academic Council.The meeting of the JNU Court is chaired by its Vice-chancellor. JNU Court includes the members of the Executive Council, the Rector, the deans of students, the chief protector the finance officer, the University librarian, senior wardens, and ten representatives from the parliament.Representatives from the parliament include six members nominated by the speaker of Lok Sabha and four members nominated by the Chairman of Rajya Sabha.Besides, a representative from every recognized institutions, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor also remain to be the members of the Court.

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