New Delhi: India’s third-largest telecom service provider Vodafone Idea Limited (VIL) on Tuesday said that the company is all set to launch its 5G network in a phased manner. Thousands of new sites will enhance the connectivity of Vodafone Idea’s network by March 2025, according to VIL chief executive officer Akshaya Moondra. Vodafone Idea (Vi) is the only private telecom operator yet to announce a commercial 5G network in the country. Its competitors, Reliance Jio and Bharti Airtel, have already rolled out their 5G networks nationwide. Vi had earlier announced that it would launch its 5G network by March 2025. In the letter to subscribers, the company has highlighted its partnerships with global leaders such as Ericsson, Nokia, and Samsung. “The future is here! We are preparing for the phased rollout of 5G, bringing you blazing-fast and unparalleled experiences,” said Moondra in the letter.Moondra also noted that the company added over 46,000 new sites in 2024, enhancing its network like never before. “Additionally, the capacity at over 58,000 sites was boosted, enabling customers to do more online, faster. A lot more of our network is now using Indoor Coverage Plus technology, which significantly improves indoor coverage and quality whether you’re at home, in the office, or at a mall,” said Moondra.Vi has excelled across all performance metrics, including 4G download and upload speeds, 4G video and gaming experiences, and 4G voice app calling performance. The telco has also launched cutting-edge Spam detection solutions to provide a seamless and secure experience. Vi is also introducing new, first-of-their-kind tariff plans designed with customers’ usage in mind. The telco also claims to have India’s best 4G network, as recognised by OpenSignal, the global leader in network testing.
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