Violence against women going up


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A disturbing trend is emerging in Uttarakhand, where the growing popularity of live-in relationships is being matched by a simultaneous increase in cases of violence against women. The new phenomenon, known as ‘Bin Phere Hum Tere’, is gaining traction among couples in the state’s valleys, raising concerns about the safety and well-being of women in such relationships.According to data released by the State Women’s Commission, there has been a significant rise in cases of violence against women in live-in relationships in recent months. The commission has received several complaints from women who have been subjected to physical and emotional abuse by their partners.Expressing deep concern over the growing number of violence against women, State Women’s Commission Chairperson Kusum Kandwal told TNIE, “The trend is alarming and underscores the need for greater awareness and legal measures to protect women’s rights in such situations.”Citing the commission’s data, Chairperson Kusum informed, “650 complaints of violence against women have been received in just three months, out of which 300 cases are related to live-in relationship disputes”.”Physical and mental harassment of women and adolescent girls, threats to life and property, illicit relations, rape and molestation are the highest among the complaints received by the commission between April and June,” state women’s commission chairperson Kusum Kandwal said.”Most of the cases of harassment are reported from urban areas of Uttarakhand, including Dehradun, Haridwar and Udham Singh Nagar, which have registered a staggering increase in cases of women harassment”, added Kusum Kandwal.Chairperson Kusum told this newspaper, “After the implementation of the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) in October, it will be mandatory for couples living in live-in relationships to register on the government website. Failure to do so will attract penalties. While there will be no restriction on individuals between the ages of 18 and 21 from entering into live-in relationships, their registration will be intimated to their parents/guardians by the government.”

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