Veteran Gandhian Elaben Bhatt wants to save Gandhiji’s Sabarmati Ashram from conversion into gaudy showpiece


Veteran Gandhian Elaben Bhatt wants to save Gandhiji’s Sabarmati Ashram from conversion into gaudy showpiece

The Sabarmati Ashram had been engaged in Gandhiji’s constructive programmes – Khadi, removal of untouchability and atrocities on Harijans, education of Harijan boys and Girls, manufacturing of hand-made paper, tannery to process hides from animals which have died of natural death, Goseva – breeding and raising cows.To engage in such diverse activities, five separate organisations were formed – Sabarmati Harijan Ashram, Sabarmati Ashram Goshala, Gujarat Khadi Gramodyog Mandal and Gujarat Harijan Sevak Sangh.Elaben said she is happy that all these organisations have agreed to work in tandem to serve the poorest of the poor – like Gandhiji said, “Unto the last”.All these years, all the five organisations worked as independent autonomous bodies and there was no communication amongst them. “For the first time, all the five trusts that own the land and buildings in the Sabarmati Ashram precinct have started communicating with each other with an open mind and there is a complete rapport among them,” she said.She is hopeful that with combined effort all the five organisations will be able to convert the Sabarmati Ashram into a power house that would set example for other individuals and organisations to spread the message of ‘Hind Swaraj’ based on non-violence, secularism and decentralized economy and polity and meaningful education.After all the heritage buildings of the Ashram are restored to its original form, young men and women who are committed to Gandhian values and way of life will be invited to live in them to engage in various constructive programmes.“Mere restoration and preservation of heritage buildings will not revive the vibrant life of the Sabarmati Ashram that once inspired millions of people to serve the country”, said Elaben.“I have succeeded in persuading the government to stop using the phrase ‘world class’ tourist destination for Sabarmati Ashram. The Ashram has been attracting tourists from all across the country and the world only because of its simplicity and not any pomp and show,” she said.

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