A series of programmes will be held to mark the year-long Atal jayanti till December 25, 2025 in which Congress’s handling of issues, including the allegation of the BJP defaming BR Ambedkar in parliament, will be countered, the BJP leader said. “The planned activities will emphasise progress across sectors under Modi’s leadership and address how the Congress has undermined Ambedkar’s ideologies,” he said. BJP leaders said that preparations for the campaign are being done along with completion of district- and state-level organisational polls in the run-up to the election of a new national party president.During a meeting on Sunday, BJP office-bearers from state to central levels discussed strategies for implementing ‘Sangathan Parva’ and engaging with the public throughout the year. The agenda also covered preparations for the organisational elections, slated for February, in which party chief JP Nadda’s successor will be chosen.
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