
“A vote for this bill is a vote to recognise the rights of the Tibetan people. And it is a vote to insist on resolving the dispute between Tibet and the People’s Republic of China peacefully, in accordance with international law, through dialogue, without preconditions. There is still an opportunity to do this. But time is running out,” McGovern said.Congressman Young Kim said the bill ensures that Tibetans have a say in their future. It stresses the need for a direct dialogue between the CCP and the democratically elected leaders of Tibet, and that any resolution must be peaceful and include the voice of the Tibetan people.Congressman Kathy Manning said since 2010 Beijing has also refused to meet its international obligations to engage the Dalai Lama and his representatives to resolve the Tibet issue through dialogue.“At the same time Beijing has unleashed a disinformation campaign to mislead the world about Tibet and its history, he said.Congressman Chris Smith said amid threats to Tibetans in Tibet, the Chinese Communist Party also seeks to extend its repressive reach abroad, targeting surveillance and harassment of the Tibetan diaspora in the United States, India, and Nepal. The Chinese Communist Party has long engaged in crimes against humanity in Tibet and against Tibetans, plain and simple, he alleged.In a statement, the Central Tibetan Administration to North America said the Tibetan people will always cherish the bipartisan support for Tibet in the US Congress.


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