Under the new arrangement, Awadhesh Prasad has been shifted to the second row. In the previous Lok Sabha, SP had two seats in the front row and party chief Akhilesh Yadav and Awadhesh Prasad were seated in adjacent seats.This has caused heartburn among the SP ranks, which has been staying away from the INDIA bloc protests against the Adani issue in the front gates of Parliament. Akhilesh’s party skipped the protests in the past three days along with TMC. According to sources, Akhilesh feels that the main Opposition party Congress could have asserted for the INDIA bloc partners. However, Yadav denied such reports and said that the BJP is trying to create divisions within the INDIA bloc. The issue of seating arrangement is not a major one and it can be resolved in time, he said.All is not well in the NDA camp as well. Early this week, NDA’s key ally TDP MP Magunta Sreenivasulu Reddy raised the issue of sitting arrangement. He did not mince words over the eighth-row seat. In the previous Lok Sabha, he was seated in the second row.According to the sitting arrangement, PM Modi has been allocated seat number one in the Lok Sabha chamber, while the seat opposite to him has been earmarked for Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi.
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