According to Kumbh Mela SSP Rajesh Dwivedi, a joint team of Mela police and cyber cell, reached the accused who is an active social media user, while tracing his IP address and detained the minor from Purnia district of Bihar.“The accused made a fake ID account in the name of his classmate and uploaded a derogatory and inflammatory post threatening to kill at least 1,000 devotees at Maha Kumbh,” said the SSP.After the case gained widespread attention following media reports, it was discovered that accused had fled to Nepal. However, as he returned to Bihar, the police were able to arrest him with the help of their Bihar counterparts.He said that an FIR was lodged under relevant Sections of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (NSA) and IT Act at Mela Kotwali police station in Prayagraj. Three joint teams were into the investigations of the case.The SSP added that the 17-year-old student, who was brought to Prayagraj on Sunday for questioning, was sent to a remand home.“Senior police officials will quiz the accused to compile more information regarding the threat and take action accordingly once the accused is brought back to Prayagraj,” the SSP said.
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