He cited the Shahid Smarak ‘Amar Vatika’ memorial in Bastar gives an inspiration that a life is meant for the welfare of others and highlighted how over the past one year, a well-planned renewed strategy has significantly curtailed the influence of Maoists across the Bastar region where simultaneous developmental activities continue.“Never much huge expanse secured free from the sway of Maoists as seen in the last one year. This is owing to the perfect strategy adopted in Chhattisgarh after the change of regime in the state. Our efforts are focused on three fronts: encouraging Maoist rebels to surrender, arresting those involved in violence and responding firmly to those threatening lives. Those who choose the path of violence are being dealt with in their own language”, Shah stated.Shah appreciated the state government’s initiative to dedicate one day every week at the office of Bastar Inspector General of police to look into and address the grievances of the affected families. He suggested that district collectors should also participate in the initiative to make the support system more effective and comprehensive.The statues of slain security personnel will be installed in their villages in honour of their memory and preserve the legacy for future generations.“We are resolute in our commitment to ensuring the well-being of all affected families. Their interests will remain safeguarded”, Shah added.
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