Ukraine war, Operation Ganga dominate public discourse on poll day


Ukraine war, Operation Ganga dominate public discourse on poll day

Talking to NH, a resident of Varanasi contended that Modi’s magic seems to be working in Varanasi again and ‘Operation Ganga’ had struck a chord with the people of the temple town.“Three days ago, people were talking against the BJP, but they seem to have changed their mind after Modi’s visit,” said the resident of Varanasi, claiming that the BJP will win all three seats falling in the city.However, there are a few who believe that the BJP may retain urbans seats in Varanasi but all five seats in rural areas may be won by the SP-led alliance.As per an estimate, about 1200 students from Uttar Pradesh were enrolled in various universities in Ukraine.BJP leaders have gone the extra mile to take advantage of the situation, as per a UP watcher.Some of them even met parents of such students a day before polling in an apparent bid to get political mileage, said a Varanasi-based journalist.

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