UK health secretary confirms first two cases of new Covid strain omicron in Britain-


UK health secretary confirms first two cases of new Covid strain omicron in Britain-

By Agencies

LONDON: Britain on Saturday, November 27, 2021, confirmed its first two cases of the new Omicron strain of Covid-19, both linked to travel from southern Africa.

“We have moved rapidly and the individuals are self-isolating while contact tracing is ongoing,” Health Secretary Sajid Javid said in a statement.

Dutch authorities are also checking for the new variant after 61 passengers on two flights from South Africa tested positive for COVID-19.

With each passing hour, new restrictions were being slapped on travel from countries in southern Africa as the world scurried Saturday to contain the new omicron variant of the coronavirus that has the potential to be more resistant to the protection offered by vaccines.

A host of countries, including Australia, Brazil, Canada Iran, Japan, Thailand and the United States, joined others, including the European Union and the U.K. in impose restrictions on southern African countries in response to warnings over the transmissability of the new variant — against the advice of the World Health Organization. Pharmaceutical companies expressed optimism that they could finesse their vaccines to deal with the new variant though that would clearly take some time.

Despite the banning of flights, there are mounting concerns that the variant has already been widely seeded around the world. Cases have been reported in travelers in Belgium, Israel and Hong Kong.

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