DEHRADUN: Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami on Tuesday said the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) will be implemented in the state during the auspicious phase that begins with Makar Sankranti.However, he did not specify a date saying it will be announced within this month as the training of personnel to implement the law on ground is in the final stages.”Uttarayani festival which is being celebrated all over the country today by different names like Makar Sankranti, Lohri, Pongal or Bihu marks the beginning of the auspicious phase when all good things can be done. Implementation of the UCC is also an auspicious thing. It will be done this month during Uttarayani,” Dhami said.”Training of personnel to implement the law on ground is in its final stages. You will soon get the good news,” he told reporters on the sidelines of a campaign meeting held in the Cantt area here in view of the forthcoming urban local body polls to be held in the state on January 23.Introducing a UCC was a major pre-poll promise made by Dhami before the 2022 assembly polls, which the BJP won to storm to power in the state for a second consecutive term, a feat achieved by no party in the state since it was formed in 2000.
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