RAIPUR: The security forces engaged in the ongoing anti-Maoist campaign in Chhattisgarh’s Gariaband district, adjoining Odisha border, had recovered two more bodies of the red rebels, including one female, on Wednesday.“The casualty figure of Maoists has risen to 16 including six females. The process of identification of bodies is still on. The search operation by the joint team of security forces has been continuing in the region for the past 78 hours”, Nikhil Rakhecha, Gariaband district police chief told this newspaper.Meanwhile, the bodies of 14 Maoist cadres neutralised in Gariaband district were brought to the state government’s biggest healthcare facility Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar Hospital on Wednesday.A team of 22 doctors and supporting staff carried out the autopsy. The details of the post-mortem were not shared with the media.“There were not adequate doctors and forensic experts in Gariaband district. So, the bodies of Maoists were brought to the state capital where the required health professionals, paramedical staff are available for the autopsies”, an official said.
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