Two die of Covid in Mathura, courts work curtailed amid fresh spike in cases-


SC asks states to be careful or chief secys may be summoned-


MATHURA: Amid a fresh spurt in Covid cases, the Mathura district judiciary on Monday curtailed its functioning, banning litigants from entering the court premises without permission and making judicial officers and other staffers work in rotation as elsewhere in Uttar Pradesh under an Allahabad High Court order, a district judiciary official said on Monday.

The restrictions on courts functioning were announced on a day two Covid deaths were reported in the district.

“As per the orders of District Judge Rajeev Bharti the litigants as well as others would not be allowed to enter the court campus,” District Government Counsel Sanjay Gaur said.

Litigants and others would be allowed to enter the court campus only on the district judge permission, he added.

The orders were promulgated on the basis of the Allahabad High Court directions, Gaur said.

The court work has also been restricted with only 50 per cent of the judicial officer and other staffers allowed to work daily on a rotational basis, he said.

Pregnant lady judicial officers and other employees, however, have been exempted from attending courts, he said, adding that they have been allowed to work from home, if necessary.

The district court will function in a restricted mode till further orders, he added.

Meanwhile, there was no respite from Covid in the district as two persons died of Covid in the last 24 hours, Mathura’s Rapid Response Team in-charge Bhudeo Singh said.

Dr Singh said a 60-year-old woman and an 80-year-old man suffering from COVID-19 died of the infection while 276 more people tested positive for the infection in the last 24 hours.

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