Two books being released today throw fresh light on conspiracy to kill Gandhi


Two books being released today throw fresh light on conspiracy to kill Gandhi

Kakasaheb decided to take a peek into the room. He too hailed from Pune, as did Godse and had often come across the assassin at events in that city. The moment he caught sight of the man, he let out a loud wail and said, “O-o-o-o Nathya! Hey tu kai kela!” (O Nathuram, what is this that you have you done). Nathya in Marathi being the short and more intimate form of addressing Nathuram.The moment people at Birla House realised the identity of the killer, they dragged him to Pandit Nehru and Sardar Patel and it was soon established that the assassin was a Hindu, not Muslim.News bulletins on All India Radio, recalls Tushar Gandhi, had a fixed and established format. The announcement should have said, “Mahatma Gandhi is dead. He was shot at 5.17 pm at a prayer meeting.” But if you listen to that recording, the announcer clearly says, “A Hindu Brahmin today shot three bullets into Mahatma Gandhi. Mahatma Gandhi is dead.”The government of the day left no doubts in the minds of the people about the identity of the killer, thus defeating the conspiracy. “What the RSS could not accomplish then, it is attempting to do now by vilifying both Gandhiji and Nehru, floating the 50-minute gap theory and hoping it will catch fire,” says TG.“The only lapse was that the government chose not to go in for an autopsy; If they had done so, then there would have been no room for a fourth bullet theory. But all the three shells were recovered and there was never a fourth one,” points out TG.

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