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Angus T. Jones, 29, was seen in a rare sighting in Los Angeles, CA on Sunday. The Two and a Half Men star looked unrecognizable compared to his days on the sitcom as he walked around a neighborhood while wearing a white T-shirt, gray shorts, and a backwards red baseball cap. He also had a face full of facial hair, which is much different from his clean shaven look back in the mid-late 20oos, and added glasses to his look.
Angus’ latest outing comes just a few weeks after he was reportedly seen walking barefoot while in his neighborhood. He wore a similar outfit that included a black T-shirt, shorts, and a gray beanie. He seemed to be relaxed as he strolled by cameras.
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Angus looking different at a previous event. (Picture Perfect/Shutterstock)
Before his late Apr. outing, Angus reportedly hadn’t been seen in a year. He made headlines back in 2012, when he abruptly left Two and a Half Men and shared a 10-minute video that cited he found God, after being on the show alongside Charlie Sheen and Jon Cryer for almost 10 years. He also urged viewers to stop watching the series, which featured Charlie’s character navigating a life of playboy tendencies, because of its “filth.”
“If you watch Two and a Half Men, please stop watching Two and a Half Men,” he said in the clip, which was posted by the Christian group, Forerunner Chronicles’ YouTube page. “I’m on ‘Two and a Half Men’ and I don’t want to be on it. Please stop watching it and filling your head with filth. People say it’s just entertainment. Do some research on the effects of television and your brain, and I promise you you’ll have a decision to make when it comes to television, especially with what you watch.”
Angus when he was a child. (Dee Cercone/Everett Collection)
Angus has stuck to his decision and hasn’t acted in anything since he left Two and a Half Men. Two years after his departure, he also spoke out at the Seventh-Day Adventist Church World Harvest Outreach, and said he thought the show “was making light of topics in our world that are really problems for a lot of people.” He also added that he “was a paid hypocrite because I wasn’t OK with it but I was still doing it.”
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