RAIPUR: At least three Maoists were killed in an encounter with the security forces at Chhattisgarh’s Bijapur district on Sunday, police said.“Based on specific inputs about the presence of Maoists in the jungle area of the National Park, a team of security forces left on an anti-Maoist operation. Today since morning, there was an intermittent exchange of firings between the forces and the Maoists. So far the forces have recovered three bodies of Naxalites in uniform”, the Bastar police said in their briefing.The effort to identify the deceased are underway as the search operation continues.The forces had also recovered an automatic weapon, other arms, explosives and other naxal materials from the scene.There has been no report of any security personnel sustaining injuries in the gun battle and further details were awaited.This year, twelve Maoists have so far been neutralised in Chhattisgarh in separate encounters. Last Thursday, three red rebels were killed in the Sukma district and five Maoists including two women cadres eliminated in the Abujhmad region of Narayanpur district on January 5.Bijapur remains one of the worst Maoist-affected districts in Bastar and being cited as an epicentre of left-wing extremists in south Chhattisgarh.
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