The Future of Workplace Design:Technology and Innovation at Steelcase


Deccan Chronicle

Steelcase’s Vice President of Marketing, Asia Pacific, Samantha Giam, explains how the company addresses diverse generational, work style, and ability needs. From ergonomic seating to flexible workspaces, discover how Steelcase creates inclusive environments that cater to today’s workforce.How does Steelcase’s insight-led design approach contribute to creating people-centered workplaces that boost productivity and employee engagement?Steelcase’s insight-led design approach focuses on understanding human behavior through extensive research to create people-centered workplaces. For instance, the Flex Collection was designed for hyper-collaborative teams, like those using Scrum agile methodologies in India’s innovation hubs. Our research shows that team collaboration leads to faster innovation, better results, and higher job satisfaction. Companies fostering workplace collaboration are five times more likely to be high-performing and profitable. Steelcase’s recent surveys with teams in Europe, the Middle East, and North America revealed that many offices are still designed for linear work and don’t support the dynamic workflows of design thinking and agile methodologies. Teams need adaptable spaces to work closely and access information easily, but often lack a “home” environment to do this effectively. Our designs, such as the Flex Collection, address these issues by offering adaptable, inclusive spaces that enhance well-being, collaboration, and a sense of belonging, leading to more productive and engaging workplaces.What research or insights drive Steelcase’s product development and design decisions, and how do you stay ahead of evolving workplace trends?Steelcase’s product development is driven by a multidisciplinary approach, integrating behavioral science, architecture, technology, and ergonomics. We conduct global user research to understand emerging workplace preferences, such as privacy and well-being, particularly in the post-COVID environment. Collaborating with industry leaders like Microsoft and Logitech helps us design products that meet evolving spatial and technological needs. This results in specialized solutions, like Ocular meeting rooms, that cater to both remote and onsite participants. In Asia, our Workspace Futures teams in Greater China and India focus on changing user behaviors in various environments. For instance, our studies in India highlight a preference for flexible workspaces and advanced technologies to support hybrid work models. Our WorkLife Center in Bengaluru and initiatives like the Women of Steel program – which has significantly increased female participation in manufacturing roles – at our Pune plant provide valuable insights into creating inclusive and culturally relevant solutions. We also emphasize healthy sitting through extensive posture research, leading to world-class seating designs like Karman, Gesture, Leap, and Think. Notably, the Gesture chair has been recognized as the top chair by NYT Wirecutter for nine consecutive years, reflecting our commitment to ergonomic innovation.Can you share any success stories or case studies where Steelcase’s furniture and services have transformed a workplace and improved employee experience? We have worked with several leading local organizations, including ANSR, to transform workplaces and enhance the employee experience. Our successful partnership with CEO Lalit Ahuja and his talented team has resulted in a highly engaging workplace where teams and individuals have access to various environments to perform their work effectively. In many of India’s innovation hubs, creating spaces that foster a sense of belonging, optimism and vitality at work is critical. The workplace becomes a key lever for companies to inspire these positive experiences and feelings. A great workplace experience is an amalgamation of effective management, thoughtfully designed spaces, advanced technology, and comprehensive wellbeing initiatives. This holistic approach creates opportunities for success and transformation, enabling organizations to thrive and succeed in a highly competitive environment. Through our work with ANSR, we have demonstrated how an engaging and well-designed workplace can drive organizational success and improve the overall employee experience. How does Steelcase balance aesthetics, functionality, and sustainability in its designs to create inspiring workspaces?Steelcase balances aesthetics, functionality, and sustainability by integrating advanced research, design partnerships, and sustainable practices. We collaborate with top organizations and invest in an in-house innovation center to ensure our products are visually appealing and harmonize with modern workspaces. Our designs, such as the Steelcase Flex Collection, adapt to different working styles through flexible, modular solutions. Sustainability is prioritized by using recycled and recyclable materials, like in the Think Chair, made locally in India, which meets global environmental standards.The Karman Chair exemplifies our principles by combining structural benefits, aesthetic appeal, and high environmental credentials. Another example is the Ocular table series, developed with Microsoft. It supports hybrid meetings with a unique curved shape, ensuring equal engagement for all participants, whether in-person or remote, and integrates advanced technology like the Microsoft Teams Front Row experience to enhance interaction and visibility.What role do you see technology playing in the future of workplace design, and how is Steelcase incorporating technology into its solutions? Technology will play a key role in shaping the workplace of the future by increasing connectivity, flexibility, and efficiency. Steelcase, in collaboration with Logitech, recently introduced Ocular™ View, an augmented reality experience designed to create immersive virtual meetings.Ocular View integrates Steelcase’s design insights with Logitech’s video collaboration technology, supporting platforms such as Microsoft Teams and Zoom.A more recent innovation is Project Ghost. We collaborated with Logitech to create the spatial complement to a new immersive, one-on-one communication platform that works off Microsoft teams that enables users to see remote participants in an ultra-life live experience featuring life-sized faces and torso. This creates a naturally equitable experience for eye contact almost as if they are in the same room. The type of solutions keeps Steelcase on the leading edge of anticipating new workplace designs with seamless technology experience.How does Steelcase’s approach to workplace design address the needs of diverse generations, work styles, and abilities in today’s workplaces?Steelcase addresses the needs of different generations, work styles and abilities through flexible, inclusive, and adaptable design solutions. Our research-based strategy supports diverse work preferences by providing collaborative spaces and quiet areas for focused work. By incorporating adjustable furniture and ergonomic solutions, we ensure comfort and accessibility for all employees.The Migration SE Pro is an example of this approach. It’s quick to adjust and transitions between sitting and standing at 50mm per second, accommodating different physical needs and promoting a healthier work environment. Customization options such as different leg styles, surface materials, and colours allow organizations to create personalized workspaces that reflect their unique culture and design preferences. Advanced anti-collision technology ensures safety, while sturdy stability and privacy and castor options address privacy and mobility needs, making it a versatile and inclusive solution for today’s diverse workforce.What are some common misconceptions about workplace design, and how does Steelcase’s expertise help dispel those myths? Common misconceptions about workplace design include the notions that open-plan offices are always the most productive, that aesthetics must be sacrificed for functionality, and that one-size-fits-all solutions work for everyone. These myths can lead to workspaces that do not meet the diverse needs of today’s workforce, impacting productivity and satisfaction.Steelcase understands that different tasks and work styles require different types of spaces. For example, while open areas facilitate collaboration, we also design quiet zones for focused work, addressing the misconception that one layout fits all needs. Products such as the Steelcase Karman and Migration SE Pro desks demonstrate that functionality and aesthetics can coexist, providing ergonomic benefits without compromising on style. In addition, our flexible and modular furniture solutions allow for customization, ensuring that workspaces can be tailored to individual, and team needs, fostering a more inclusive and effective work environment.Can you preview any upcoming product launches or innovations that will further enhance Steelcase’s offerings?Steelcase continues to enhance its offerings by integrating local craftsmanship with its global workspace solutions. A notable addition to our portfolio is the collaboration with Stanley Lifestyles, featured in the SimplyIndia collection. This partnership allows us to offer artisanal rugs, plush sofas, and accent pieces renowned for their refined craftsmanship and designs inspired by Indian culture.These additions enrich our product range, enabling us to provide high-quality, culturally rich options that blend seamlessly with our existing offerings. This fusion of global excellence and local craftsmanship creates workspaces that cater to diverse tastes and needs, ensuring that Steelcase can deliver personalized and inspiring environments that enhance productivity and engagement.Q9. How does Steelcase collaborate with architects, designers, and businesses to create customized solutions that meet their unique needs?Steelcase collaborates with architects, designers, and businesses through a comprehensive workplace strategy. This involves services like workplace analytics, change management, space planning, customization, employee engagement, and sustainability practices. Steelcase workplace consultants and specialized partner firms work closely with clients to understand their specific requirements, leveraging extensive research and design expertise. An example is the co-creation team’s collaboration with a leading tech organization, resulting in a modular bench desk system tailored to user needs. This system, now part of Steelcase’s portfolio as the Lexco Alexis desk, has been globally implemented, enhancing workspace flexibility and responsiveness to evolving requirements.What does the future of work look like according to Steelcase, and how will the company continue to evolve and lead the industry in the next century? The future of work is envisioned as a dynamic and adaptable environment where technology, wellbeing, and sustainability converge to create inspiring and productive workspaces. As hybrid work models continue to evolve, our commitment is to develop solutions that support seamless collaboration between remote and in-office employees. By integrating advanced technologies and focusing on the holistic wellbeing of workers, we aim to foster environments that enhance productivity, creativity, and engagement.To lead the industry into the next century, we will continue to invest in research and innovation, collaborating with global and local partners to stay ahead of emerging trends. Initiatives like the SimplyIndia collection, which integrates local craftsmanship with global design standards, exemplify our approach to creating culturally relevant and sustainable products. Additionally, our recent Net Zero initiative aims to reduce carbon emissions across our entire value chain by 2050, covering products, operations, and transportation. This commitment builds on our existing science-based targets and reinforces our dedication to sustainability, helping us and our customers achieve their environmental goals.Could you elaborate on the roles and contributions of women in your Pune manufacturing plant, particularly in light of the fact that the workforce there is predominantly female? The Women of Steel program at our Pune manufacturing plant has been transformative for both the women involved and our organization. It empowers women with the skills and confidence to excel in traditionally male-dominated roles. Personally, I’m deeply inspired by their stories of overcoming societal barriers and embracing new opportunities.These women contribute more than technical skills; they bring unique insights, leadership qualities, and a collaborative spirit that enhance our operations and drive innovation. By fostering an inclusive environment, we not only improve our manufacturing processes but also create a workplace where everyone feels valued and respected.The success of the Women of Steel program highlights our commitment to diversity and empowerment. It has changed perceptions, proving that women can thrive in any role with the right support and opportunities. This focus on empowering women in Pune is central to our efforts to build inclusive and equitable workplaces across Steelcase. It’s a privilege to witness and support such meaningful change, making a lasting impact on these incredible women and their communities.

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