PATNA: In a significant move ahead of the Bihar Assembly elections, RJD chief Lalu Prasad on Saturday empowered his son, Tejashwi Yadav, with authority equivalent to his own within the party. This decision, marking a pivotal shift in the party’s leadership, positions Tejashwi as the frontrunner for the post of Chief Minister. The decision was formalised during a meeting of the RJD’s National Executive held in Patna, attended by key leaders, including Lalu Prasad, his wife and former Chief Minister Rabri Devi, their eldest daughter and MP Misa Bharti, as well as the party’s MPs, MLAs, and MLCs. Notably absent from the meeting were RJD State President Jagadanand Singh and his son, Sudhakar Singh, MP from Buxar. In Jagadanand’s absence, senior leader Ram Chandra Purve conducted the proceedings. The party’s National Executive Committee amended the RJD constitution, authorising Tejashwi to make final decisions on critical matters such as the party’s name, symbol, and programmes. The resolution, passed unanimously, recognised Tejashwi’s growing stature and leadership capabilities within the party.
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