From her smashing hit item number Aaj Ki Raat in Stree 2 to her appearance at the Milan Fashion Week, Bollywood actor Tamannaah Bhatia has made quite some headlines this year. Tamannaah’s new OTT thriller Sikandar Ka Muqaddar, directed by Neeraj Pandey, released on November 29 on Netflix, where she is playing a de-glam, desi character.“I have played innumerable roles, but I have never done something like this before. I have also not worked in this kind of setup. I am happy that Neeraj sir thought of me playing the character of Kamini Singh. I thoroughly enjoyed doing it. I get overstressed if I read an emotional script. I feel I won’t be able to watch something that is very emotionally heavy. But, Neeraj sir directed the most intense scenes in an energetic manner, which just lifts you up. It doesn’t make you feel low. Watching such scenes in his films, you don’t take the burden; instead, it gives you some sort of a thrill,” says Tamannaah.She found the character extremely interesting. “When you play a girl next door, just not wearing makeup alone can’t justify it. Language plays an important role. Visuals, story telling and language should be in sync for it to look good,” adds Tamannaah.Having debuted in 2005 in a romantic Bollywood film Chand Sa Roshan Chehra, Tamannaah also starred in a Telugu film titled Sree and later in a Tamil film titled Kedi in the same year. She has been part of big banner films like Baahubali and Baahubali 2 in the South. This year also proved to be lucky for her. Tamannaah says, “My Tamil film Aranmanai made 100 crores. It’s a solo film, and it means a lot to me. When films do well, we know more people will be interested in making good cinema. I am lucky to be enjoying the best of both worlds. Also, I love music, which is an important part of the Indian cinema.”
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