
Tick bites and Lyme disease: What to do if a tick bites you or your pet
Lyme disease is a threat to people and their pets, especially as people spend more time outdoors in these warmer ...

Canadian anti-capitalist cafe with ‘pay what you can’ model shutting down after one year
An anti-capitalist coffee shop in Canada is closing after a year in business, its owner announced, citing “the lack of ...

Mental Health: are you feeling depressed after breakup so try to move on in these 5 ways | Mental Health: ब्रेकअप के बाद महसूस हो रहा है डिप्रेशन? इन 5 तरीकों से करें Move On
Depression after breakup: एक रिश्ते का टूटना किसी भी व्यक्ति के लिए बहुत दुखद होता है. इसके साथ ही इससे ...

Heart Health: These 6 factors increase the risk of heart attack are you doing this | Heart Health: हार्ट अटैक के खतरे को बढ़ाते हैं ये 6 फैक्टर, कहीं आप तो नहीं करते ऐसा?
कार्डियोवास्कुलर बीमारी यानि दिल की बीमारी विश्वभर में मृत्यु के प्रमुख कारण हैं. चाहे आपके परिवार में दिल की बीमारी ...

These are the worst dental mistakes you can make for your teeth
A healthy mouth means more than an attractive smile. Research has shown that oral health impacts the wellness of the entire ...

Feel-good hormones will keep you happy and stress free always increase them naturally in 7 ways | Feel Good Hormones: आपको खुश और तनाव से मुक्त रखेंगे फील-गुड हार्मोन, इन 7 तरीकों से बढ़ाएं नेचुरली
7 ways to increase good hormones: मानव जीवन में, हम सभी सुखी और संतुष्ट महसूस करना चाहते हैं. यह इच्छा ...

Walking benefits 10000 steps daily can change you body shape know how to achieve your daily goal easily | Walking Benefits: 10000 स्टेप्स से बदल सकती है आपके बॉडी का शेप, जानिए किस तरह हासिल करें टारगेट
Walking 10000 steps benefits: आज की इस भागदौड़ भरी जिंदगी में लोग अपनी सेहत का बिल्कुल भी ध्यान नहीं दे ...

‘Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret’ Star On The Ending (Exclusive) – Hollywood Life
View gallery Image Credit: Lionsgate Millions of Gen X and millennial women all had Judy Blume’s Are You There God? ...

‘You know who you killed?’ asks colleague of US doc slain in Sudan-
By Associated Press WASHINGTON: Bound to the country of his birth by ailing parents and his devotion to treating Sudan’s ...