
Rwanda commemorates 30 years since genocide
Week of national mourningSunday’s events mark the start of a week of national mourning, with Rwanda effectively coming to a ...

Eye and foot test is mandatory for diabetes patients after 5 years of diagnosis | 5 साल पुराने डायबिटीज मरीजों को आंख व पैरों की जांच करना अनिवार्य, सरकार ने सभी डॉक्टरों को जारी किए निर्देश
मधुमेह (डायबिटीज) के मरीजों के लिए एक महत्वपूर्ण खबर सामने आई है. अब डायबिटीज का पता चलने के 5 साल ...

An Argentine judge recognizes gender abuse suffered for years by 20 nuns in a breakthrough ruling
BUNEOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) — An Argentine judge on Friday ruled that 20 cloistered nuns had suffered abuse for more ...

Norway plans ‘historic increase’ in defense spending of $56B over next 12 years
The Norwegian government has announced plans for a significant increase in defense spending totaling $56 billion over the next 12 ...

Kuwait votes in its 4th election in as many years in its latest attempt to end political gridlock
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Kuwait held national elections on Thursday for the fourth time in as many years ...

Belarus arrests well-known activist on charges punishable by up to 4 years in prison, group says
TALLINN, Estonia (AP) — Authorities in Belarus have arrested a well-known activist on charges punishable by up to four years ...

Pioneer of America’s global HIV/AIDS program recalls hope after years of despair
Dr. John Nkengasong, who currently oversees the global AIDS effort, recalls the desperate scenes in Africa before the introduction of ...