
Qatar conducts its first legislative council vote-
By AFP DOHA: Qatari citizens voted for the first time in elections for an advisory council on Saturday—a long-delayed step ...

President Joe Biden reiterates need for more vaccinations as COVID death toll in US tops 7,00,000-
By ANI WASHINGTON: US President Joe Biden said that the fact that the US death toll from the coronavirus infection has ...

Despite presidential polls being 1 yr away, thousands protest, seek Jair Bolsonaro’s impeach-
By Associated Press RIO DE JANEIRO: With Brazil’s presidential election one year away, tens of thousands of demonstrators marched Saturday ...

China increased spending on pathogens testing months before acknowledging COVID-19, report says
China increased its spending on coronavirus tests in the country’s Hubei Province months before the Chinese government publicly acknowledged the ...

Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte says daughter to run in 2022 elections-
By ANI MANILA: Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte says his daughter, Sara Duterte-Carpio, will run for president in the 2022 election, ...

Death toll in Cyclone Shaheen now 12 as storm churns in Oman-
By Associated Press MUSCAT: The death toll from Cyclone Shaheen rose to 12 on Monday while other fishermen from Iran remained ...

Nearly 100,000 people in Mexico have disappeared
Almost 100,000 people have disappeared in Mexico, according to the country’s National Search Commission, which keeps a record existing since 1964.Most ...

Two Koreas restore hotline despite North’s missile tests-
By Associated Press SEOUL: North Korea restored dormant communication hotlines with South Korea in a small, fragile reconciliation step Monday in ...

Ex-US Republican Todd Akin, sunk by ‘legitimate rape’ remark, dies-
By Associated Press WASHINGTON: Former U.S. Rep. Todd Akin, a conservative Missouri Republican whose comment that women’s bodies have a ...

US scientists David Julius, Ardem Patapoutian win Medicine Nobel for discovery of temperature, touch-
By Associated Press STOCKHOLM: Two scientists won the Nobel Prize in medicine on Monday for their discoveries into how the ...