
Longevity: women should do this work to get long life new research on live life long | Longevity: अगर आपको भी चाहिए लंबी उम्र तो कर लें ये काम, रिसर्च में हुआ बड़ा खुलासा
Women’s longevity: लंबी उम्र की चाहत एक सामान्य इंसान की इच्छा है. यह जीवन के मूल्य और महत्व को दर्शाता ...

Why the cases of heart attack increases in women know the main 6 reasons behind this unique story | पुरुषों के मुकाबले महिलाओं में क्यों बढ़ रहे हार्ट अटैक के मामले? इसके पीछे कहीं ये 6 कारण तो नहीं
Causes of heart attack in women: एक नई रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक, महिलाओं में दिल का दौरा पड़ने की दर बढ़ ...

Asylum shelters in Belgium to no longer accept single men to make room for women, children
The Belgian government said Wednesday it will no longer provide shelter for single men seeking asylum, arguing its insufficient reception ...

Nearly one-third of 18-year-old women in Japan may never have children, highlighting population concerns
About a third of 18-year-old women in Japan may never have children, a government institute said on Wednesday, in the ...

Rabbi turned ‘Tinder swindler’ used fake IDs to trick women into sex: police
JERUSALEM – A Brooklyn-born rabbi is currently in police custody in Jerusalem on charges of rape by deception after allegedly ...

Afghan women who fled Taliban rule thrive in US following daring rescue by US charity
A group of Hazara minority women who were evacuated from Afghanistan with the help of some concerned Americans have continued ...

Nigerian troops rescue women, children abducted by Islamic rebels
Nigerian security forces have rescued dozens of captives mostly women and children held by Islamic extremist rebels in the country’s ...