
How to get vitamin d in winter without sunlight start eating these 5 foods rich in d vitamin | ठंड में धूप न मिलने से बिगड़ सकता है शरीर का ढांचा, विटामिन-डी के लिए खाएं ये 5 फूड
Vitamin d rich foods: विटामिन डी एक आवश्यक पोषक तत्व है, जो कई स्वास्थ्य लाभों से जुड़ा हुआ है. यह ...

Israeli forces killed 50 journalists in 45 days, says Reporters Without Borders-
By Online Desk Since the beginning of the war in Gaza on October 7, 2023, at least 70 journalists and ...

Netanyahu war cabinet stifles revolt over sending Gaza fuel without hostage deal
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is reportedly trying to quell an uprising from far-right members of his government over his ...

7 side effects can occur if you eat almonds without soaking know them carefully | बादाम को भिगोकर न खाने से हो सकते हैं ये 7 नुकसान, अच्छे से जान लीजिए आप
सर्दियों के मौसम में मौसम ठंडा और शुष्क हो जाता है. इस मौसम में शरीर को गर्म रखने और पोषण ...

Nasty drought in Syria, Iraq and Iran wouldn’t have happened without climate change, study finds-
By Associated Press A three-year drought that has left millions of people in Syria, Iraq and Iran with little water ...

Shocking wife became pregnant without husband man said child in womb is not mine married woman confession create havoc – पति के बिना ही प्रेग्नेंट हो गई पत्नी, शख्स बोला
Extramarital Affair: शाहजहांपुर में पति की गैर मौजूदगी में प्रेग्नेंट हुई पत्नी ने उसे अपनाने से इंकार कर दिया. (सांकेतिक ...

France’s Macron says Israeli campaign against Hamas in Gaza must be ‘without mercy’
French President Emmanuel Macron met with Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday and called for the international coalition initially built ...