
A Christmas season without its traditional glow in Ukraine-
By PTI KYIV: Just a year ago, Sophia Square in Kyiv was all about the big Christmas tree and thousands of ...

‘Epic’ winter storm wallops US, leaving 1 million without power-
By AFP CHICAGO: More than a million US power customers were in the dark Friday as a “bomb cyclone” winter ...

Spain passes law allowing children 16 and over to change legally registered gender without medical supervision
Lawmakers in Spain have approved a bill allowing people over 16 years of age to change their legally registered gender ...

reduce bad cholesterol by daily exercise without taking medicines nsmp | Cholesterol: बिना दवा खाए बढ़ते कोलेस्ट्रॉल को करना है कम, तो आज ही अपनाएं ये टिप्स
Reduce Bad Cholesterol Tips: व्यक्ति की लाइफस्टाइल से पता लगता है, कि उसका शरीर कितना फिट और स्वस्थ है. शरीर ...

Reduce belly fat without equipment at home do these 5 easy exercises daily to get Katrina kaif fitness sscmp | Reduce Belly Fat: बिना किसी equipment के कम होगा आपका पेट, कैटरीना जैसा फिगर पाने के लिए करें ये 5 आसान एक्सरसाइज
Reduce Belly Fat: पेट पर जमी चर्बी से छुटकारा पाना थोड़ा मुश्किल होता है और इसके लिए खास एक्सरसाइज की ...

EXPLAINER | Can Ukraine pay for war without wrecking economy?-
By Associated Press Even as Ukraine celebrates recent battlefield victories, its government faces a looming challenge on the financial front: ...