
Chinese postal service orders disinfection of foreign parcels over suspected link with Omicron sprea-
By Associated Press BEIJING: China’s postal service has ordered workers to disinfect international deliveries and urged the public to reduce ...

UP Chunav 2022 BJP core group meeting lasted for five hours on Monday on seat sharing with apna dal Nishad Party Uttar Pradesh Chunav
लखनऊ: उत्तर प्रदेश विधानसभा चुनाव (Uttar Pradesh Chunav 2022) में भारतीय जनता पार्टी ने सहयोगियों के साथ सीटों का बंटवारा ...

Olivia Culpo Poses In Red Bikini With BF Christian McCaffrey In Pic – Hollywood Life
Olivia Culpo took to Instagram to share a sexy photo with her boyfriend Christian McCaffrey as they posed in a ...

Rajma beneficial in diabetes know Control blood sugar level with help of Rajma brmp | डायबिटीज के मरीज बेझिझक खाएं ये चीज, ब्लड शुगर रहेगा कंट्रोल, जानिए इसके जबरदस्त फायदे
Rajma beneficial in diabetes: अगर आप डायबिटीज के मरीज हैं तो ये खबर आपके काम आ सकती है. यह एक बीमारी ...

Weight loss TIPS lose weight with aloe vera weight loss tips BRMP | Weight loss TIPS: एलोवेरा घटा देगा आपका वजन, बस इस तरह करें सेवन
Weight loss TIPS: आज हम आपके लिए एलोवेरा के फायदे लेकर आए हैं. एलोवेरा में मौजूद डिटॉक्सिफाइंग गुणों (detoxifying properties) ...
Bhopal hosts cricket tournament for Vedic pandits with Sanskrit commentary-
By PTI BHOPAL: Two men clad in traditional dhoti and kurta run as fast as they can while an excited ...