

drinking a glass of pomegranate juice every day will keep you energetic nsmp | हर दिन एक ग्लास अनार का जूस पीने से दिनभर रहेंगे एनर्जेटिक, पौष्टिकता से भरपूर है ये फल


Pomegranate Juice Benefits: ‘एक अनार 100 बीमार’ हम सभी बचपन से ये कहावत सुनते आ रहे हैं. इसका मतलब है ...

The TRS government was on Monday put on notice by the BJP, this time on the issue of Ganesh idol immersion in the city. (DC)

Will Ganesh idols only in Vinayakasagar


Hyderabad: The TRS government was on Monday put on notice by the BJP, this time on the issue of Ganesh ...

Prabhakar said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi had claimed that  farmer incomes would be doubled by 2022, but that had not happened.

Having fewer farmers will help: Guruswamy


Hyderabad: Economist and political strategist Mohan Guruswamy and political economist Parakala Prabhakar, as part of the ‘Deccan Dialogues’ series, discussed ...

UN says part of Somalia will reach famine later this year-

UN says part of Somalia will reach famine later this year-


By Associated Press MOGADISHU (Somalia): The United Nations says “famine is at the door” in Somalia with “concrete indications” famine ...

Britain to learn who will succeed Johnson as prime minister-

Britain to learn who will succeed Johnson as prime minister-


By Associated Press LONDON: Britain finally learns who its next prime minister will be on Monday after two months of political ...

Azad says his fight for justice for people of Jammu and Kashmir will continue-

Azad says his fight for justice for people of Jammu and Kashmir will continue-


By PTI JAMMU: Former chief minister Ghulam Nabi Azad on Sunday said his fight to ensure justice to the people ...

Britain's new prime minister: Who will it be and when does the term begin?

Britain’s new prime minister: Who will it be and when does the term begin?


NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! The United Kingdom will find out Monday whether Rishi Sunak or Liz ...


Foods bad for health: These 5 things will increase your body fat and weakens digestion system sscmp | Foods bad for Health: ये 5 चीजें आपकी सेहत के लिए है घातक, बॉडी फैट बढ़ने के साथ डाइजेशन भी होता है कमजोर


Foods to avoid in Breakfast: ब्रेकफास्ट हमारी दिन का सबसे महत्वपूर्ण खाना होता है. इससे हमारे शरीर को दिनभर की एनर्जी ...


know how many steps walking regularly will keep you healthy nsmp | नियमित कितने कदम पैदल चलने से आप रहेंगे स्वस्थ, जानें


Daily Walking Tips: बिजी शेड्यूल के चलते हम खुद की सेहत का ख्याल नहीं रख पाते. जिसका बुरा असर हमारे ...

Kishan Reddy —  DC Image

History is repeating, neo-Razakars will be brought down soon: Kishan Reddy


Hyderabad: Gangapuram Kishan Reddy, Union minister of tourism, culture and development of north eastern region, and MP from Secunderabad, is ...