
Hardoi: Naresh Aggarwal said – those who said Pakistan Zindabad have no right to live in the country – Hardoi: भाजपा नेता नरेश अग्रवाल ने कहा
हरदोई. भाजपा नेता नरेश अग्रवाल ने हरदोई में विपक्षी दलों पर तीखा हमला बोला है. उन्होंने कहा कि भाजपा ने ...

Probe demanded into killing of Pakistan reporter who posted videos of illegal hunting by Arab dignit-
By PTI ISLAMABAD: An international media watchdog is demanding an independent probe into the killing of a Karachi-based amateur video ...

Yogi adityanath said sardar patel united the country while jinnah break the nation beware of those who tell both of them as one nodkp – योगी बोले
औरैया. उत्तर प्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ (Yogi Adityanath) ने सरदार पटेल (Sardar Patel) और मोहम्मद अली जिन्ना (Mohammad Ali ...

Who Is Sadie Sink? Actress Stars In Taylor Swift’s ‘All Too Well’ Film – Hollywood Life
Taylor Swift announced that she’s releasing a short film to the long-awaited ten-minute version of ‘All Too Well,’ which stars ...

COVID-19: WHO expresses ‘grave concern’ over cases in Europe
The World Health Organization on Thursday warned that Europe is –once again—at the epicenter of COVID-19 cases and cited a ...

Spiralling COVID infections grip low-vaccination parts of Europe, WHO expresses concern-
By PTI ZAGREB (CROATIA): Countries throughout Central and Eastern Europe reported spiralling coronavirus cases Thursday, with several hitting new daily ...

Who Is Chris Ivery? – Hollywood Life
Ellen Pompeo is one of the biggest stars on our TV screens, and she’s been married to her husband Chris ...

WHO Europe chief voices ‘grave concern’ about COVID rebound-
By PTI GENEVA: A 53-country region in Europe and Central Asia faces the real threat of a resurgence of the ...