
Violence inside farrukhabad district jail prisoners attacks jailer and deputy jailer arson and firing reported upat
फर्रुखाबाद जिला जेल में कैदियों का बवाल Violence inside Farrukhabad Jail: जानकारी के मुताबिक एक कैदी को डेंगू हुआ था, ...

Twitter suspends trends feature in Ethiopia for fear of violence escalation-
By ANI ADDIS ABABA: Twitter temporarily disabled the Trends feature in Ethiopia to make sure that the platform cannot be used ...

Thousands victimized by sexual violence as war in northern Ethiopia persists
EXCLUSIVE: Four months after the Ethiopian government called a cease-fire, violence still reigns across northern Ethiopia, leaving thousands of women ...

Militancy, sectarian violence engulfs Pakistan after Taliban takeover in Afghanistan-
By ANI ISLAMABAD: After the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan, the complexities including militancy and sectarian violence are widely arising in ...

US Congressman Andy Levin expresses concern over violence in Tripura, Bangladesh-
By PTI WASHINGTON: US Congressman Andy Levin has expressed concern over the communal clashes in Bangladesh and Indian state Tripura. ...