
Pakistan bans travel from 6 African countries, Hong Kong amid concern over new Covid variant Omicron-
By PTI ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Saturday, November 27, 2021, imposed a complete travel ban on six African countries and Hong ...

WHO skips over Greek letters ‘nu’ and ‘xi’; names new variant ‘omicron’
The World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed it skipped the Greek letters “nu” and “xi” in naming its new COVID-19 variant, ...

Bangladesh suspends travel from South Africa amid fears of new COVID-19 variant spread-
By PTI DHAKA: Bangladesh on Saturday, November 27, 2021, suspended travel from South Africa immediately, joining a growing list of ...

New Covid Omicron variant in ‘fluid motion’; in ‘very active’ communication with S-Africa colleagues-
By PTI WASHINGTON: America’s top infectious disease expert Dr Anthony Fauci has said that the new COVID-19 Omicron variant is ...

No cases of COVID-19 omicron variant identified yet in US, CDC says
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said Friday night that no cases of the omicron COVID-19 variant ...

UK scientist backs vaccines against Omicron Covid variant, says new jab can be developed if needed-
By AFP LONDON: The British scientist who led the research underpinning AstraZeneca’s coronavirus jab said Saturday a new vaccine could ...

covid new variant omicron symptoms who declared it variant of concern like delta variant samp | Delta वाले ग्रुप में रखा गया कोविड का नया वायरस ‘Omicorn’, ये हैं ओमीक्रॉन के लक्षण
जैसे ही दुनिया डेल्टा वैरिएंट की मार से उबरने की कोशिश कर रही थी, वैसे ही कोविड-19 के नए वैरिएंट ...