
COVID-19 omicron variant: Steps you can take to protect yourself
How can I protect myself from the new omicron variant? The same way you guard against COVID-19 caused by any other ...

Russia reports its first two cases of Omicron Covid-19 variant-
By Associated Press MOSCOW: Russia has confirmed the first two cases of the omicron coronavirus variant in the country in ...

Senegal registers first case of coronavirus omicron variant-
By Associated Press DAKAR: Senegal has recorded its first cases of the omicron variant, becoming the third West African nation ...

Etawah: Strong preparations to face Omicron variant, 100 beds reserved in Women’s Hospital
इटावा. देश में कोरोना के नए वेरिएंट ओमिक्रॉन के 21 मामले सामने आ चुके हैं. जयपुर में सबसे ज्यादा 9, मुंबई ...

COVID-19 Omicron variant: New York, tri-state area confirm more cases as hospitals strain from delta surge
The tri-state area has counted just under a dozen cases of the COVID-19 omicron variant as hospitals continue to feel ...

Kanpur iit professor claimed in january corona third wave will come alert on Omicron variant upns – कानपुर IIT के प्रोफेसर का दावा
कानपुर. भारत में कोरोना के ओमिक्रॉन वेरिएंट (Omicron variant Case in India) के मामले बढ़ रहे हैं. ऐसे में आईआईटी ...