
How to Prevent Premature White Hair With 5 Easy tips Safed baal kale kaise kare Unique Story | White Hair: कम उम्र में सफेद बाल आने से रोक सकते हैं आप, बस करने होंगे ये 5 काम
How to Prevent Premature White Hair: बढ़ती उम्र की कई निशानियां हो सकती है, जैसे डबल चिन आना, चेहरे पर झुर्रियां ...

TIAs and mini-stroke risks: Cardiologist shares warning signs and prevention tips
In the U.S., a person has a stroke every 40 seconds, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ...

Boost brain health and slow mental aging with 10 intriguing tips from longevity experts
Just as our bodies and organs break down as we age, so do our brains. While the cognitive aging process can’t ...

Ask a doc: ‘How can I reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease?’ Here are 3 tips
While there currently is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease — the most common type of dementia — there are healthy ...

The cancer prevention diet: 6 smart tips from a nutritionist on what to eat and why — and what to avoid
Cancer has many risk factors. Some — like gender, age and family history — can’t be controlled. But others, like ...

10 tips to live to be 100: ‘Far more than wishful thinking,’ say longevity experts
More and more people are making it to the 100-year milestone.Nearly 90,000 people were at least 100 years and older ...

Cancer prevention diet, tips to live to 100 years old — and pregnant woman with cancer refuses abortion
Tasha Kann, a Michigan mom, was determined to keep her baby alive, even if it meant sacrificing her own treatment. ...

Good quality sleep: if you do not sleep till late night then do these 5 things you will fall asleep in minutes | Tips For Good Sleep: देर रात तक नहीं आती है नींद तो करें ये 5 उपाय, मिनटों में सो जाएंगे आप
How to get quick sleep: अच्छी नींद स्वस्थ शरीर के लिए बेहद जरूरी है. इंसान अच्छी नींद के लिए जरूरी ...

Be well: 5 tips for managing postpartum issues from a New York-based family physician
This story discusses suicide. If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide, please contact the Suicide & ...

How to cure skin tanning caused by the sun shahnaz Hussain shared tips tanning home remedy | धूप से स्किन पर होने वाली टैनिंग को कैसे करें ठीक? शहनाज हुसैन ने शेयर किए टिप्स
Tanning home remedies: सूर्य के रोशनी के सीधे संपर्क में आने से स्किन को कई तरह से नुकासन पहुंचता है, ...