
ADHD in males versus females: What you must know about the differences in symptoms and treatments
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may be common, but it’s also sometimes hard to spot.ADHD is usually first diagnosed in childhood and ...

Ozempic, the happy drug? Study suggests weight-loss medications could reduce depression, anxiety
For the millions of people who take Ozempic and Wegovy, weight loss is the best-known outcome — but a new ...

Nicolaus Copernicus: The man who stopped the sun and moved the earth
Frombork is a small, quiet town perched on the shore of the Vistula Lagoon in northern Poland. Fishermen keep their boats ...

WikiLeaks founder Assange may be near the end of his long fight to stay out of the US
WHY HAS THE CASE DRAGGED ON SO LONG?While the U.S. criminal case against Assange was only unsealed in 2019, his ...

What is the main cause of dermatomyositis symptoms and prevention of rare inflammatory disease | ‘Dermatomyositis’ त्वचा में सूजन जैसे सामान्य लक्षण वाली ये बीमारी है जानलेवा, संकेतों को ना करें इग्नोर
‘दंगल’ गर्ल सुहानी भटनागर की मौत की खबर ने जहां सबको हैरान करके रख दिया है, वहीं एक रेयर बीमारी ...

What are the benefits of Magnesium Rich Foods Suggested by Dieticians | Magnesium Benefits: मैग्नीशियम रिच फूड्स क्यों खाना चाहिए? डाइटीशियन ने बताए 7 फायदे
Benefits of Magnesium: मैग्नीशियम एक अहम पोषक तत्व है जो हमारे शारीरिक और मानसिक स्वास्थ्य के लिए बेहद जरूरी है.इसके ...

Japan hosts Ukraine reconstruction conference to showcase its support for the war-torn country
TOKYO (AP) — Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Monday pledged his country’s long-term engagement in Ukraine’s reconstruction, calling it ...