
Omicron milder than delta? South African doctors see signs-
By Associated Press JOHANNESBURG: As the omicron variant sweeps through South Africa, Dr. Unben Pillay is seeing dozens of sick ...

google search in year 2021 indian people search about black fungus disease more than corona samp | Year 2021 में कोरोना नहीं, इस बीमारी ने भारत में ढाया कहर, लोगों में मची रही खलबली
Year 2021 in Google Search: किसी को कुछ भी जानना होता है, तो वह गूगल का रुख करता है. इस ...

veg foods which gives more protein than an egg know protein rich veg foods samp | Protein rich foods: अंडे से ज्यादा प्रोटीन देते हैं ये वेज फूड्स, शरीर बनता है मजबूत
प्रोटीन शरीर के लिए बहुत जरूरी है. यह पोषक तत्व मसल्स को विकसित होने में मदद करता है और बाल ...

Omicron variant ‘almost certainly’ less severe than delta, Fauci says
Dr. Anthony Fauci, America’s top infectious disease expert, said Tuesday that early indications suggest the omicron COVID-19 variant is potentially ...

Obesity: More than half of young adults are overweight, study says
More than half of young American adults are either overweight or obese, according to new Johns Hopkins University School of ...