
Omicron cases surge: More than 4,000 children hospitalized nationwide, report says
A record number of children were hospitalized with COVID-19 across the nation, according to a new report. The Washington Post said ...

soybeans benefits soybean is more powerful than egg meat and milk know benefits of soybean brmp | अंडा, मांस और दूध से भी ज्यादा ताकतवर है ये चीज, आस-पास भी नहीं आएंगी बीमारियां, जानिए जबरदस्त फायदे
Benefits of soybeans: अगर आप जल्दी काम करते वक्त थक जाते हैं तो ये कमजोरी का संकेत हो सकता है. ...

Supreme Court weighs vaccine rules affecting more than 80 million-
By Associated Press WASHINGTON: The Supreme Court is taking up two major Biden administration efforts to bump up the nation’s ...

Piranha attacks in Paraguay leave 4 dead, more than 20 injured this year
Four people were killed and 20 others have been injured in separate piranha attacks in Paraguay this year, causing concern ...

Omicron ICU pattern better than Delta variant, says UK minister-
By PTI LONDON: Omicron is producing a more hopeful pattern to the previously dominant Delta variant of COVID-19 in terms ...