
What Are The Side Effects of Drinking More than 5 Cup of Tea Chai Peene Ke Nuksan | Tea: अगर एक दिन में 5 कप चाय पिएंगे तो क्या होगा? टी लवर्स जरूर जानें ये Facts
Chai Peene Ke Nuksan: चाय भारत ही नहीं दुनिया के सबसे पॉपुलर हॉट ड्रिंक्स में से एक है जिसे आप ...

Taiwan factory fire leaves at least five dead, more than 100 injured-
By Associated Press BEIJING: A fire and subsequent explosions at a golf ball factory in southern Taiwan killed at least ...

Italy culls more than 30,000 pigs to counter spread of swine fever
Almost 34,000 pigs at 12 farms in the northern Italian region of Lombardy have been culled to counter the spread ...

China flies more than 150 military planes toward Taiwan as island condemns military ‘harassment’
China’s military sent over 150 warplanes toward Taiwan this week in an unprecedented military action that the island’s government swiftly ...

Wartime letter show Pope Pius XII may have known about Holocaust earlier than previously thought
Newly unearthed wartime correspondence from Pope Pius XII indicates he may have known about the Holocaust earlier than previously believed. ...

Hypertension is not less than a silent killer make 5 changes in your habits to control high BP unique story | साइलेंट किलर से कम नहीं है हाइपरटेंशन, BP को कंट्रोल करने के लिए अपनी आदतों में करें 5 बदलाव
हाइपरटेंशन यानी हाई ब्लड प्रेशर को अक्सर साइलेंट किलर कहा जाता है. इस बीमारी में लाखों लोगों के जीवन में ...

More than 5,000 dead in Libya floods, but far higher toll feared-
By Online Desk Following the torrential rains and the collapse of two dams, more than 5,000 people are suspected to ...

Mango to pineapple these 5 high sugar fruits never eat in diabetes blood sugar can goes higher than 400 mg/dl | डायबिटीज मरीजों के लिए ‘जहर’ से कम नहीं ये 5 फल, 400 के पार हो जाएगा ब्लड शुगर लेवल!
Fruits to avoid in diabetes: डायबिटीज एक ऐसी स्थिति है जिसमें शरीर इंसुलिन का पर्याप्त उत्पादन नहीं कर पाता है ...

More than 700 million people don’t know when or if they will eat again, says UN food chief-
By Associated Press UNITED NATIONS: A global hunger crisis has left more than 700 million people not knowing when or ...