
Fasting could reduce signs of Alzheimer’s disease, studies suggest: ‘Profound effects’
It’s been proven that what people eat can help prevent or slow Alzheimer’s disease — but what about when they ...

Does Eating Too Much Table Salt Causes Type 2 Diabetes Blood Sugar Level High BP New Studies | Diabetes And Salt: क्या चीनी की तरह ज्यादा नमक खाने से होता है टाइप-2 डायबिटीज? कितनी डराने वाली है ये नई स्टडी?
Type 2 Diabetes Causes: जब लोग टाइप 2 डायबिटीज से जुड़े फूड आइटम्स के बारे में सोचते हैं, तो उनके ...

Breakthrough bone cancer drug slows tumor growth, extends survival in early studies
For those suffering from primary bone cancer — which is cancer that originates in the bones — a promising new ...

Bullies in white coats? ‘Too many’ health care workers experience toxic workplaces, studies show
Some bullies wear white coats, new research reveals.While health care workers aim to treat their patients with compassion, empathy and ...

Common joint pain treatment may be making arthritis worse, studies suggest
A common injection for treating arthritis may be speeding up the onset of the disease rather than preventing it, according ...