
Major storm dumps snow, closes mountain routes in California-
By Associated Press A major Christmas weekend storm caused whiteout conditions and closed key highways amid blowing snow in the ...

Powerful storm drenches Southern California with heavy rain-
By Associated Press LOS ANGELES: A powerful storm charged south through California on Tuesday, drenching the drought-stricken state with desperately ...

30,000 in north of England and Scotland without power for fifth night after storm-
By Associated Press LONDON: Some 30,000 people in the north of England and in Scotland have been without electricity for the ...

Dozens stuck in England’s highest pub after storm-
By Associated Press LONDON: Dozens of customers who stopped for a drink at Britain’s highest altitude pub got a longer ...

Americans at Cancun LGBT+ event in hiding after men with long guns reportedly storm beach
A shooting between suspected rival drug gangs broke out on the beach of a resort in Cancun, Mexico, Thursday afternoon, ...

Brewing political storm in Portugal could bring snap election-
By Associated Press LISBON: A political storm is brewing in Portugal, where the minority Socialist government is finding it hard ...

Drought-stricken California doused by major storm-
By Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO: A powerful storm barreled toward Southern California after flooding highways, toppling trees and causing mud flows ...

At least 19 dead in Philippines tropical storm-
By Associated Press MANILA: A tropical storm in the Philippines has left dead at least 19 people, disaster response officials ...

At least one dead, 21 others injured as severe storm hits Hong Kong-
By Associated Press BEIJING: A strong tropical storm bearing down on Hong Kong on Wednesday left one person dead and ...