
Taliban order NGOs to stop women employees from working over ‘hijab’-
By AFP KABUL: Afghanistan’s Taliban rulers ordered all national and international NGOs to stop their women employees from working after “serious ...

Potatoes for Diabetes: Should diabetes patients stop eating potatoes completely Know what doctor says | Potatoes for Diabetes: क्या डायबिटीज मरीजों को आलू पूरी तरह से खाना बंद कर देना चाहिए? जानिए क्या कहते हैं एक्सपर्ट
डेनिश शोधकर्ताओं द्वारा किए गए एक हालिया अध्ययन में पाया गया कि जिन लोगों ने कुल सब्जी का सेवन सबसे ...

‘Nobody can stop good work from happening’: Naveen Shankar-
By Express News Service Naveen Shankar hit the limelight with his debut, Gultoo, and in a surprising move, he decided ...