
Air Force still mute on Afghan bodies in evacuation plane wheel wells, victims who plummeted from plane
During the infamously botched U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, reports began circulating of Afghani refugees and evacuees attempting to catch a ...

Allahabad high court says on honor killing that after 75 years still caste system creating problem sunny singhs bail in anees kumar murder case nodnc
इलाहाबाद. इलाहाबाद हाईकोर्ट ने सोमवार को ऑनर किलिंग के आरोप में जेल में बंद सन्नी सिंह की सशर्त जमानत मंजूर ...

Most cases of Havana Syndrome are not caused by foreign adversary, but some cases still under investigation
A recent Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) interim report said the majority of the mysterious cases known as Havana syndrome that ...

Angelina Jolie Still Buys Billy Bob Thornton’s Son Christmas Presents – Hollywood Life
Billy Bob’s son Harry revealed he still talks to Angelina “every now and then” and recalled how “cool” she was ...

Australian Open 2022 Novak Djokovic included in draw as his visa call wait is still on | Australian Open: नोवाक जोकोविच के खेलने पर अभी भी सस्पेंस, लेकिन आयोजकों ने उठाया ऐसा कदम
मेलबर्न: नोवाक जोकोविच (Novak Djokovic) को अब ये बात पता है कि अगर उन्हें खेलने की इजाजत मिलती है तो ...