
Chinese smartphone market falls by 14.7 per cent-
By ANI BEIJING: China’s smartphone market boom comes to an end as it registers a sharp decline in demand within ...

Oppo Vivo India Xiaomi issued govt notices for tax evasion Chinese smartphone manufacturers
Image Source : FILE PHOTO Representational image. HighlightsGovernment is looking into cases of alleged tax evasion by Chinese mobile companies ...

smartphones are making your child physically and mentally ill know smartphone side effects in kids vrmt | सावधान! बच्चे के हाथ में आप खुद दे रहे हैं बीमारी का पिटारा, बाद में पड़ेगा पछताना
Smartphone Side Effects in kids: मोबाइल हमारे जीवन का महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा बन चुका है. लेकिन कहते है ना कि हर ...

Offline Smartphone retail in 2021 PredictiVu report Second wave eCommerce delivers twin blows
Image Source : PREDICTIVU INSIGHTS PredictiVu Insights| MBOs Smartphone Brands Performance by Value and Volume. The second pandemic wave in ...

Uptet 2021 date uptet paper leak to be prevented by ban on smartphone
नई दिल्ली (UPTET 2021). यूपीटीईटी पेपर लीक (UPTET Paper Leak) मामले ने काफी तूल पकड़ी थी. इस पेपर लीक मामले ...

UP Free Laptop Scheme up cm yogi adityanath launch 1 crore free laptop tablet and smartphone distribution scheme
UP Free Laptop Scheme : उत्तर प्रदेश में बढ़ रही विधानसभा चुनाव की सरगर्मियों के बीच मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ ने ...