
Study shows medical expenditures have significantly reduced the quality and quantity of dietary item | स्टडी- महंगे इलाज के कारण लोग नहीं खा पा रहे हेल्दी फूड्स लेकिन इन चीजों पर दिल खोल कर रहे खर्च
एम्स में गैस्ट्रोएंटरोलॉजी और मानव पोषण विभाग के एक अध्ययन के अनुसार, 80% से अधिक परिवारों ने चिकित्सा खर्च बढ़ने ...

Human rights in Russia have ‘significantly’ worsened since Ukraine war began, UN-backed expert says-
By Associated Press GENEVA: The rights situation in Russia has “significantly deteriorated” since President Vladimir Putin launched his war against ...

Flu diagnosis could significantly raise heart attack risk, new study finds
People who get influenza could be six times more susceptible to having a heart attack in the days following a ...

German pensions will rise significantly this summer for the second consecutive year
German retirees’ pensions will rise significantly this summer for the second consecutive year, the government said Monday, though the increase ...

US visa processing time likely to significantly fall by mid-2023-
By PTI NEW DELHI: The waiting period for issuance of American visas is expected to see a significant fall by ...

UN: Russia’s Ukraine war sees at least 1,430 civilians killed, numbers expected to rise significantly
NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! LVIV, Ukraine – The United Nations on Monday confirmed over 3,500 people ...